plate::Works - Control Software for UHTS Systems
In the pharmaceutical industry, analysis devices are used to enable rapid sampling of the huge active ingredient libraries in these companies. The aim is to provide modern medicine with more efficient equipment for active ingredient searching in the fight against illnesses which are still incurable (e.g. Alzheimer's and Parkinson syndromes, AIDS, …). At the start of this project, such so-called screening systems were able to deal with up to 20,000 samples per day.
The development result of the overall project (in which the control software was, of course, only a part) enabled an increase up to around 100,000 samples (and more) per day with easy configurability and simple definition of the sample treatment regulation. This new Ultra High Throughput Screening System (UHTS) was originally developed by Carl Zeiss Jena GmbH and is now being sold and further developed by PerkinElmer.
Variable systems can be realized only by configuration. They often consist of several units which are connected together and can be controlled by a complex consisting of several computers. The main component of the software is a scheduler which works following completely new principles.
- Timeframe: 1998 to present day
- Platform: Windows
- Language: C++