EQUIcon employs highly qualified staff (approx. 85% with completed university studies in mathematics, physics or informatics, around one fifth of these with doctor`s degree). Continuous further training for software developers is guaranteed by regular internal EQUIcon seminars, training sessions and participation in specialist conferences.
Modelling and Software Design
Precise analysis of our customers' project requirements, drawing up functional and requirements specifications, the development of mathematical and scientific models for complex technological processes and their implementation in safe and effective software is used to prepare the foundations for fulfilling the substantive, scheduling and economic expectations of our clients.
Operating Systems and Platforms
In most cases the client's project specifications determine which hardware platforms and operating systems are used for software development - we are prepared for (almost) everything and have created projects using most platforms: Windows, Linux, Unix variations such as HP-UX and Solaris, iOS, Android, OpenVMS, RSX-11, real-time operating systems such as VxWorks, LynxOS, OS-9/OS-9000, RT-11, RMOS, iRMX etc.
Programming Languages and Frameworks
We are able to deal with whatever the project requires or client specifies in programming languages, development environments and GUI toolkits: C#, C++/C, Java, JavaScript, PHP, FORTRAN, COBOL, SQL, PL/SQL, T-SQL, .NET/MFC, Visual Studio, jQuery, AngularJS, Java EE, Qt, Motif, R and others.
Databases and Code Management Systems
Oracle, Oracle RAC, Oracle/Rdb, Microsoft SQL Server, mySQL, Postgres (PostgreSQL), Visual SourceSafe, Perforce, Subversion, DECset, Git amongst others
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